One thing I was going to do but completely forgot about was making more skins for the horse cock. Since I'm bad with colors due to colorblindness and such, I'm having the community suggest colors for the dick! With this fancy template, you can fill it in and send it to me on discord or through a imgur link.

It's very important that you fill in all 4 palettes for all the colors that you use. No exceptions. Make sure that the outline color stands out as well.

Make a little mockup of what the horse would look like by filling in the crude example. This is important if there's a specific pattern or some such that I can use as reference.

I finished up a sketch that I've had laying around for a while now, a commission that was abandoned... But I finished it anyway because I liked how it came out.
The Secret Soda Trick, Zu wants to buy a soda, but can't afford one.

That's it for now! I've got a 3 page commission to sketch up next, so wish me luck on that.
Posted 4th of July 2022 - 12:29 by | 2 comments.
It's been so warm lately that my arms are too sweaty to draw. Quite annoying! But also pleasant, since last summer was mostly rain, rain, rain. Gotta enjoy the few weeks of sun you actually get.

Progress on the game - it's going well. Currently waiting for Fallow to catch up on the coding and bugfixing.
I made this while waiting, some cosmetic options for Johanna:

There's a few different options, nothing too exaggerated. Cosmetics and such will be very limited in this part.

Before I go, have this drawing!
Whipped into Shape, Tera punishing Trixie for failing so often.
Posted 27th of June 2022 - 15:06 by | There are no comments! Comment now!
Sure is nice to have some heat here for once. It's mostly been raining so far, but last weekend was really nice.
It's been quite unremarkable though, I can barely remember any of the week. I've just been doing lipsync, and it's been very mentally taxing. I'm 90.6% done though, so at least it'll be over soon... For the moment. Doing two at once is a bit much, it seems!

Anyway, I don't have much else to share, other than a piece of fan art from Sinsigat!
Sofi VS Horses
Good stuff!

I should finish up the lipsync sometime this week. After that, I'm not sure what will come next. Most likely a whole lot of number tweaking and testing how it looks while playing it. Gotta try to space it out so that it sounds good.

Oh ye, Fallow made it so that you can drag and drop the body doodles straight on to the bodies. Pretty cool, although they look more like stickers than anything else. Hopefully they'll turn out to be fun anyway, here's a screenshot of it:
Posted 20th of June 2022 - 12:04 by | 3 comments.
Had a pretty nice birthday. Nothing to really write about, so I'm just gonna get to the progress updates and such.

I've reached and passed the 50% mark on lipsync progress. Almost done with Jo's voicelines, now.

Here's the second goat picture:
Christmas Goats Empty their Sacks

Next, I recieved some birthday arts!

From Lewd Briana:
Birthday Gift
This one's really creative! Appreciate it a lot! Thanks!

The following arts are stuff I commissioned for myself, I thought it'd be fun to commission Zu getting dicked by black guys from the black artists that frequent my discord server, since there's quite a few of 'em. Unfortunately not everyone made it on time, but perhaps they'll show up later!
I didn't give them that many details so it was interesting to see what they came up with.

First, from Rise:

Second, from Cii:
Shower Zu

Last, from Squidriff:
Zu Suckin'
Zu Suckin' Alt 1
Zu Suckin' Alt 2
Zu Suckin' Alt 3

Fun stuff, I gotta say.
That about does it for today's update though.
I'm off to do some more lipsync!
Posted 13th of June 2022 - 03:56 by | There are no comments! Comment now!
Lipsync is going smoothly! Unfortunately I was hit with a cold and was out of the loop for a couple of days, otherwise I'd have made some further progress. The debug has a % calculator built in, so you can see the % increasing as I finish up lines. As of writing this, I'm at 41.2%, which is pretty good. Almost halfway done.

I've got a drawing done this week as well!
Bin Twins Trashes Ellie, two goat brothers have overpowered Ellie.
Another goat drawing is coming up next, and it's christmas themed... So you can tell it's been laying in wait for quite some time!

The next sunday is my birthday, woah. Time sure flies fast. Too fast, it feels like. I don't think I'll do anything special for it though, but I guess we'll see.

I'll keep streaming the lipsync til I'm done with it though, again, here's the link: Picarto stream link!
I don't know if there's much to stream after that... It's mostly tweaking and testing and shit that's not really stream-friendly. So I guess it'll be the last streams for a while once that's done with.
Posted 5th of June 2022 - 17:17 by | 4 comments.
Every time I wanted to start, something else always popped up that needed to be done. But now, I'll finally actually get to it.
There's I think... 1600 voice clips in total, so I got a lot of lipsync to do. But since most of them are single moans, it shouldn't be too difficult. I'm gonna stream some of the process, so if you wanna watch it, I stream here: Rock Candy on Picarto

Don't really have a lot to say for today... But have this drawing before I go!
Disappointing Dominatrix
Posted 31st of May 2022 - 05:22 by | 2 comments.
Shrap's gone home and I've had my wisdom tooth removed. Now back to regular schedule, I suppose!
Had a great time with Shrap, other than some excessive snoring during the nights.
People and the nurses told me I'd be in great pain after removing the tooth, but I've barely felt any pain at all. I don't know if I'm just lucky or have a high pain treshold or something, I've mostly been chilling the recent couple of days because of the threat of pain rather than being in pain. But well, since it doesn't seem like it'll start hurt anytime soon, I guess it's time to go back to doing the porn stuff again.

So what do I got for today's update? Not much, since I've not been that active, but there are still some things!
Let's start off with a drawing I finished recently!

Ruby on the Beach, a request from Ruby.

Next, some fan art!

First two are commissioned from egg!
Lollo undressing Zu
Chrysophylux dicks Sofi

This batch comes from Shrap. He made them while he was over here, so I had the opportunity to oversee and guide him a bit on these.
Plague Sofi
Wendy's Sofi
Hentai Ellie and Sofi
Shrap's Crapsterpiece

What about news regarding the Zu&Jo part?
The new animations I made for the dog are a big improvement. Still some kinks I gotta iron out though. I also gotta improve some of the ball-tensing animations, 'cause they just wound up looking really... goofy.

Currently I'm working on expression groups and soon lipsync, since I've finally gotten all voice clips sorted out for both Zu and Jo.
The editor is currently a bit broken though, so I'm gonna do some drawing until that's sorted out.

Finally, I'll share some crude screenshots I took of the tattoos that I asked you all to provide a while ago.
I decided to redraw them all in flash by tracing, instead of having the bitmap itself embedded into the project. It'll look less grainy and crusty when they get deformed.
So here comes a bunch of screenshots! They don't currently work in game, so I spammed screenshot on the mega-flickering non-functional mess that happens when you render the swf. Hence why things might look really weird; everything happens at once - but you can still get a good idea of what to expect.

Since expressions aren't programmed in yet in game either, these are all expressions that occur when the animations all just play in order - you'll probably not see these exact combinations in game later.
You also cannot do double penetration, even if it looks like it here.
Since I've stared at the neutral faces of them for so long while working on this, looking at these screenshots with vastly different expressions makes me feel very excited. It's gonna be great when it's finally working!
Posted 23rd of May 2022 - 04:38 by | 17 comments.
From tomorrow and from two weeks forward, I'll have my friend Shrapnel visiting from out of country, so I will not be able to work on projects and arts as much during this time. And to make things worse, I'm going to have a wisdom tooth removed a few days after he leaves. I've heard that it'll hurt for quite a while after that sort of operation, so it might also lead to diminished workflow. Just letting you know, so you're aware.
Things are going well for the Zu&Jo part though, even if I've had some delays with VAs and remaking some animations. The new dog animations look a lot better, so I believe it was worth the extra effort. I'm almost done with them, I just gotta hack it to work with Johanna - I originally thought I was going to have to make unique animations for her, but it turns I am able to copy them over by doing a double workaround technique that I'm surprised doesn't crash the whole program. I'm glad it does work. Saves me a lot of trouble.

Speaking of Shrap, I and he recorded a bunch of heavily edited hunger games simulations that I worked on for a while. Here are the highlights of the first round:

There will be 5 runs in total, and I expanded on the editing between each run, making more unique and context sensitive events for all the different categories. You can play it for yourself, if you wish!
Here's a link to the thing:
You'll have to edit the teams a little if you want an unique RNG seed - otherwise you'll run a game that is currently saved here. I'm not quite sure how the RNG works, but editing the teams - even just changing a small part and then changing it back - will scramble the RNG I believe.

I have also a couple of drawings to present!

Sixten and Ava, commissioned piece.
Sleeping Booty, comic page where Zu plays the role of Sleeping Beauty.

And not only that, but we've got a piece of commissioned fan art!
Sofi Tentacle'd

Much appreciated!

Now, I gotta go to bed and see if I can do some cleaning before Shrap arrives in the morning.... I have my doubts.
Posted 1st of May 2022 - 18:26 by | 3 comments.
I've now recieved voice recordings for Zu for the Zu&Jo part, I was planning on going through them this weekend, but I got caught up in drawing instead. So I'll get to those tomorrow.
I and Fallow have been experimenting with the Zu&Jo part a bit, by making the animation loops change speed to inject some variety into it.
While doing this, I noticed that the dog animations looked kind of crap with this system... And they looked really bad in retrospect in general, so I'm currently remaking those animations. Hopefully a procedure that won't take too long. Means the facial animations stuff is getting delayed further tho, frustrating. Sometimes I wish I had a third person who could do some of that stuff to help make progress faster. Bleh.

Anyway, here's the aforementioned drawing:
Don't Waste Eggs, Sofi does the egg throwing thing, gets punished for it.

By the way, I am going to have custom body writing/doodles and such on Zu&Jo, and I am allowing people to design their own to put on them if they so wish. Rules I copypasted:

Wanna design a tattoo or body doodle for Zu&Jo to wear in game? Here's your chance to do so!
Make sure that the final design fits within a circle the size of 74x74 pixels; template image provided.
Remove the white color and make sure that the image is a transparent PNG.
You can draw fancy tattoo designs, or make crude doodles, or simply write some text.
The theme is farm, with human, dog, pig and horse as options. But you do not have to make the design farm related.
Make sure that they are tasteful, otherwise I might not include it.

Post images in comment using imgur or through discord, or anywhere that allows for PNGs.
Posted 17th of April 2022 - 17:57 by | 24 comments.

Watch it here!

And no, there are no secrets in it. For you who looked through the assets and found some stuff, that's just assets from HHHW.
Anyway, this was a fun short thing to work on. It also features Zu's new VA, let me know what you think of it.

Orgasm X, Zara, Sofi and Ellie are made to consume orgasm enhancing drugs.
Splits and Spades, a Zara covered in some blacked stuff.

I'm keeping this rather short as I'm getting rather drowsy... Hope ya enjoy the animation!
Posted 10th of April 2022 - 17:37 by | 1 comment.